Thursday, June 2, 2011

Going Meatless...sort of

For the month of June I am jumping on my friend Celia's bandwagon and the GOOD challenge . I am embarking on the long and possibly painful journey of going meat free. The words themselves are very foreign to my ears, let alone my lips! How will I survive 30 long days without meat you say? I have no clue!!

I'm setting my bar on the lower side, I'm allowing myself shrimp and a few cheat days. I'm allowing myself 1 day per week to have 1 meat meal. That meat can only be lean chicken or pork, but zero beef. I get that this is not exactly going vegetarian, but it is challenging me to make an effort to eat less meat and be more conscious of the environment around me. Do I need to eat steak a few times a week? think?! :)

I haven't set this blog up to write about my eating habits, but I will be highlighting how the weeks go. I think that cutting meat out of my diet slowly or at least trimming down my intake will inevitably make me a better runner and thus a better triathlete, and maybe an even better human.

Who knows, and welcome to Diggery Doo.

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